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Çimlenmiş Bitki


Welcome to Daffodilbulb!, your new hub for sustainable transformation. We're here to ignite change and brighten the future by empowering small businesses with the tools and knowledge to adopt sustainable practices. Dive into our expert-curated content on sustainability, law, and finance, and join us in building a better world, one impactful decision at a time.

Take part in greener future


We deliver expert sustainability advisory, comprehensive reporting, and recognized certifications to empower and validate your business's eco-friendly initiatives

Sustainability Advisory

Providing expert sustainability advisory services covering general sustainability strategies, CDP, ESG, BIST Sustainability Index and SDG Impact Assessment to enhance your environmental and social governance tailored for your company.


Facilitating essential sustainability certifications such as EPD, Eco-Label, and AWS and B-corp to validate your commitment to sustainable practices and eco-friendly products.


Offering comprehensive sustainability reports, including Carbon and Water Footprint, GRI, Capital Markets Board Sustainability Report, Second-Party Opinion, TCFD, and CBAM to showcase your environmental impact and compliance


ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) refers to the three critical factors used to evaluate the sustainability and ethical impact of a company or business. It's a framework that helps investors and other stakeholders assess how a particular company is acting on issues that may affect its performance and societal reputation.

Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature including ecological responsibilities, resource usage, waste management, and the environmental impact of its products and operations.

Social criteria examine how a company manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and communities. This also includes the company’s labor practices, product responsibility, human rights, and how it contributes to the community it operates within.

Governance involves the company’s leadership, executive pay, audits and internal controls, and shareholder rights. It looks at how a company polices itself, how transparent it is, and how it handles conflicts of interest.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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